Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Love!

My lubS turned another year in Sept, I decided to surprise him by taking him up on a hot air balloon ride..we went to gorgeous Park City.
Note to self: Next time tell him to dress warm and not wear flip flops.whoops :)
The view was gorgeous.
We toasted at the end with a little champagne.
Happy Bday Luber!
I got a little camera happy.. we had a smiley face on top of our ballon.
After the ride we shopped, got a pedi, went to the pool and relaxed.
We decided to end the night by going to dinner at Grappa, one of my favies.
I wore my cute new bebe dress, caleb looked so handsome ;)
It was a long day, I was so excited to go to our hotel and rest!
My sneaky weekend getaway was a success, yay!!
Gotta start scheming for next year